News NEWS Accounting for Healthcare Practices: Tips for Managing Payroll and Expenses news How Accountants for Amazon Sellers Simplify Tax Compliance and Maximise Profits news Your upcoming tax calendar for November and December 2024news How to keep your small construction company on tracknews Accepting cash may become mandatory for Aussie businessesnews Do You Have Direct Debits and Online Payments Set Up for Your Business?news Dealing with uncertainty – tips for business ownersnews When should your business be passed to the next generationnews Taking on the family business legacy: becoming the Could the surcharge ban on card transactions help your business?news Selling your business: adding value prior to salenews Selling your business: getting a good dealnews How a Medical Accountant Near Me Can Help You Navigate Your Financial Journeynews Why Amazon Sellers Need a Specialised Accountant for Tax Seasonnews Is your business model still fit for purpose in 2024?news Potential threats to your business valuenews How to add value and secure your future when selling your Planning for seasonal dips in incomenews Should your small business adopt AI tools?news Payday Super Announcement: What You Need to Know in Australianews The ATO’s top tips for running a small businessnews Your employees now have the right to disconnectnews Key ways to overcome rising costs and expensesnews 5 ways to improve the governance of your family businessnews Are you meeting your SMSF governance requirements?news Getting your small business tax in ordernews Changes to Capital Gains Withholding taxnews Keeping your tax and expenses in check when you are self-employednews New Migration Regulations – what you need to How to use forecasts and scenario-planningnews How to prepare your business for an auditnews A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Amazon FBA with QuickBooks Onlinenews How Cryptocurrency Is Taxed in Australia: What You Need to Knownews Linking Your Amazon FBA Seller Account to Xeronews Why Medical Practitioners Need Specialised Accountants: A Guidenews How Amazon Sellers Can Benefit from Professional Accounting Servicesnews Understanding the New Land Tax Changes in Victoria from 1st July 2024news Super Guarantee Rate Rises in July to 11.5%news $20,000 Instant Asset Write-Off for Small Businesses Extended to June 30, 2025news The Influencer’s Guide to Tax Deductions: Saving More for Social Media Professionals in Australianews Navigating Amazon FBA: Tips for Non-Resident Sellersnews The Impact of GST on Australian Amazon Sellers: A Comprehensive Guidenews The Role of a Business Advisor: How They Can Help Your Melbourne Business Thrivenews Streamlining Tax Preparation: Insights from Melbourne Business Accountantsnews 2024–25 Federal Budget Highlightsnews Tax Tips for Individuals 2024news Tax Tips for small businesses 2024news Book a tax planning conversation with us todaynews Tax planning helps you do more with your moneynews Preparing your business for a salenews Our guide to business credit scoresnews Contractor Rules for Medical and Allied Health Practices and Payroll Taxnews The ATO agent nomination processnews Can an AI assistant streamline your business?news Taking care of data regulation and ticking the right compliance boxesnews A business budget will help with your financial decision makingnews Do you know the rules and entitlements during the end-of-year holiday season?news Holiday cash flow for your small businessnews How much should you pay yourself?news Your September quarter superannuation guarantee contribution is due soonnews Your PAYGW payment summary annual report for non-employees is due soonnews 10 hot questions to ask yourself as a business ownernews Can business automation streamlines your business?news What to look out for when buying a businessnews Your September quarter activity statement is due soonnews Which business expenses can you claim against tax?news Understanding Your Profit and Loss Statementnews Plain English guide to cashflownews Getting in control of your inventory – to unlock efficiency and cashflownews Small Business Instant Asset Write-Off This Financial Yearnews Should you buy a building for your business?news Changes to the way working from home deductions are claimed for 2023news Take care of yourself, not just your businessnews Which business expenses can you claim against tax?news Tax Tips for small businesses 2024news Temporary full expensing is due to end soon – your tax deduction guidenews Tax Tips for Individuals 2024news Tax Tips for Property Investors 2024news 10 steps to Business Continuity Planningnews Is your team as diverse as it could be?news Tax Tips for Trusts 2023news Tax tips for self-managed superannuation funds 2023news Get Your Business Records Ready for Your Tax Returnnews Are you in control of your staff expenses?news What are the risks of taking out a personal guarantee on a loan?news ATO’s crackdown on residential investment property loans and tax compliancenews 3 cloud accounting tips to save your business time and moneynews Super Guarantee Rate Rises in July to 11%news FBT exemption for electric carsnews Getting more from your procurement spendingnews Is your 2023 planning leading you down the right path?news Significant change to claiming working from home expensesnews Employees and the Holiday Season – What You Need to Knownews Fringe Benefit Tax at Christmas Timenews When Should International Businesses Register for Australian Goods and Services Tax?news Business plant and equipment: Buy or lease?news Your Q3 2023 Deadlines for the Diarynews Digital Signatures and Cyber Securitynews New accountability measures proposed for ABN holdersnews Digital Payroll for Your Agribusinessnews Tax Tips for Trustsnews Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave – New Entitlement Rulesnews 6 strategies to clear surplus stocknews New Family Trust Tax Rules – Will the Changes Impact You?news Christmas gifts for your customers and teamnews Check Your Business Performance Against the ATO Small Business Benchmarksnews Have you got a strategy for a financially stress-free holiday period?news Expert Bookkeeping and Accounting for the Building and Construction Industrynews Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Updatesnews GST on Business Purchases from Overseasnews ATO Debt Recovery and Director Penalty Noticesnews Payroll Updates Sept 2022: Minimum Wage, Super Increase and STPnews Business tips: Setting your goals for a business exitnews Supply chain issues: can you bring things closer to home?news Business tips: Knowing what your customer wantsnews Business tips: Building your brand to create a competitive advantagenews When to Register Your Business for GSTnews How much is our work taxed in Australia compared to other countries?news What is Personal Services Income?news Superannuation for Young Peoplenews Fringe Benefits Tax and Businessnews Ways to Maximise Your Supernews Business tips: Trading in a different countrynews Business tips: Have you achieved your goal for the business?news Keeping your data safe as a remote workernews 5 quicks wins for a greener businessnews Your June quarter activity statement is due soon!news Don’t burn out this winter!news How to coax your people back to the officenews Your Q1 2023 Deadlines for the Diarynews Why you should have a business continuity plannews Tax Tips for small businesses 2022news Get Your Business Records Ready for Your Tax Return 2022news Business tips – Learning to make good business decisionsnews Make the Most of Superannuation Growth Strategies in 2022news Prepare for Finalising 2022 Single Touch Payrollnews Tax Tips for Individuals 2022news Tax tips for self-managed superannuation funds 2022news Tax Tips for Property Investors 2022news Business tips: Getting in control of your spendingnews Business tips: Making it easier to get paidnews Business tips: Budgeting and managing cashflownews Your Fringe Benefits Tax Return is due soonnews Do You Know What Reimbursements Your Employees are Claiming For?news Business tips – Scaling up your business and workforcenews Business Tips: Setting KPIs and measuring performancenews Do Your Independent Contractor Agreements Measure Up?news Company Director? You’ll need a Director Identification Number from now onnews Coping with the skyrocketing cost of livingnews Your Q4 2022 Deadlines for the Diarynews Super Guarantee Rate Rises in July to 10.5%news Superannuation eligibility changes could impact your payrollnews Retail’s online boom: Are you getting a slice of the action?news Business tips: Getting your operations up and runningnews Have you taken an Odometer Reading for FBT?news Business tips: Outlining your ideal customernews Offering Salary Incentives to Staffnews How an accountant supports your business developmentnews Why You Should Check Supplier ABNsnews High inflation: What does it mean for your business?news Business tips: Hiring employees for your startupnews New Family Trust Tax Rules – Will the Changes Impact You?news Higher PAYG withholding rates continue to apply to backpackersnews COVID-19 vaccination incentives and rewardsnews Government extends SME Recovery Loan Scheme to 30 June 2022news ATO support for businesses in difficult timesnews Marketing and promoting your new businessnews What’s your net worth?news Business tips: Writing a mission statementnews Are You Providing Employee Benefits Due to COVID-19? Look Out for FBTnews Defining your business ideanews 5 tips for chasing invoices without annoying your clientsnews Your annual activity statement is due soonnews Getting funding for your startupnews Cash or Accrual Accounting – What’s the Difference?news Setting up the compliance foundationsnews Making sure your new business finances are in ordernews How to improve your procurement spendingnews Understanding the Basics of Tax on Superannuationnews Understanding the Basics of Business Taxesnews Your December quarter activity statement is due soonnews Understanding the Basics of Personal Income Taxnews E-invoicing protects you against invoice fraudnews Your December quarter superannuation guarantee contribution is due soonnews Your December quarter activity statement is due soonnews Time to Review 2021 and Plan for 2022!news Your Q3 Deadlines for the Diarynews Are You Suffering from Business Burnout?news 5 tips goal-setting tips for the yearnews What’s your unique selling point?news ‘Backpacker tax’ may not apply to some backpackersnews ABN ‘intent to cancel’ programnews Does your business need an app?news Ideas for charitable corporate gifts this Christmasnews Do Your Employees Want to Cash Out Annual Leave? Here’s the Are you considering an SMSF? Here’s what you need to Keeping your business cash liquid – the difference between cashflow and profitnews Have you got a strategy for a financially stress-free holiday period?news Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Starts in 2022news Happy Christmasnews Christmas Parties and Presents – and Tax!news How are cryptocurrency transactions taxed in Australia?news JobMaker: Fourth claim period now opennews What is bank reconciliation – and why should you be automating this process?news Christmas gifts for your customers and teamnews When Can You Deduct Money from an Employee’s Wages?news Managing projects in a remote teamnews Is your business focused enough on cyber-security?news Can you require employees to be vaccinated in Australia?news How’s your work-life balance?news Understanding the Basics of Capital Gains Taxnews Company Director? You’ll need a Director Identification Numbernews The perfect time for planning?news Could a 4-day week be a good fit for your team?news Death of an Employee – What do You Need to do?news Claim your JobMaker Hiring Credit paymentnews Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Expansion is Nearly Herenews Extra super step when hiring new employeesnews First-time share investors to declare incomenews Undisclosed income risks hefty asset betterment statementsnews Beware of disguising undeclared foreign income as gifts or loansnews Time running out to register for the JobMaker Hiring Creditnews Stapling super: Reducing multiple accounts for employeesnews Trust distributions to non‑residentsnews Buying a new home before selling the old one: The ins and outsnews SMSFs and property development: Emerging risksnews Claiming GST credits for employee reimbursementsnews How to treat work-related travel and living away from home costsnews Where do reward programs stand in regard to tax?news Trust distributions from a discretionary trustnews Trust losses: Keeping them in the familynews Capital works deductions for rental propertynews What the new Your Future, Your Super means for younews Understanding your revenue driversnews How to handle bad reviews about your businessnews Making data meaningful in your businessnews Understanding Your Statement of Cash Flowsnews What’s the Difference Between PAYGI and PAYGW?news Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) for 2021news Understanding Your Balance Sheetnews Understanding Your Profit and Loss Statementnews Upsizing or downsizing? We can help with the forecastingnews Your June quarter activity statement is due soonnews Have you changed your business purpose?news Is it time to fire a client?news P is for purpose, not profitnews Government support for your businessnews What small businesses can learn from their competitionnews How’s the forecast looking for your business?news It’s Annual Accounts Review Season!news Get Your Business Records Ready for Your Tax Returnnews Keeping your cashflow strong in tough timesnews Payroll Updates – Minimum Wage, Super Increase and STP Finalisation Datenews Employing Casuals? Here’s What You Need to Know About the New Rulesnews Buying or selling shares? Remember to include details in your Tax Returnnews Does your website create the right first impression?news Prepare for Finalising 2021 Single Touch Payrollnews Australian Consumer Law Changesnews What’s the difference between financial accounting and management accounting?news How to start small with small business marketingnews 5 signs you’re underchargingnews 5 ways to improve your cashflownews The ATO’s eligibility requirements for SMSF trustees or directorsnews New guidance on “personal services income” rulesnews The tax treatment of cryptocurrencynews Temporary reduction in pension minimum drawdown rates extendednews Super Guarantee rate rising from 1 July 2021news Family assistance paymentsnews New ATO data-matching programs involving propertynews Do you use the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House?news ATO warns on ‘copy/pasting’ claimsnews Cryptocurrency under the microscope this tax timenews Do you feel like a slave to your business?news Income Splitting – New Rules from July 2021news 6 Reasons To Look at Your Financial Reportsnews Personal Property Securities Register – Protect Your Businessnews Your March quarter activity statement is due soonnews Tax Tips for Individualsnews Tax Tips for small businessesnews Tax tips for self-managed superannuation fundsnews Key points in the Federal Budget 2021-2022news Your Fringe Benefits Tax Return is due soonnews Do you need better access to funding?news Changes to Company Tax Rates – Less Tax?news Tax Tips for Property Investorsnews Your PAYG withholding statement (IAS) is due on the 21stnews 3 reasons to start a small business podcastnews The importance of having a business coachnews Should I focus on profits or cashflow?news Scaling up your post-Covid marketing effortsnews The 10 ways to lift your marginnews Fair Work Ombudsman Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplacenews How good is your after-sales service?news Choosing the right apps for your businessnews Unexpected lump sum payment in arrears? There’s a tax offset for thatnews Is Your Business Eligible for JobMaker Payments?news Single Touch Payroll Reporting for Closely Held Payees Mandatory from Julynews Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Postponednews Should you buy or lease your business assets?news Your monthly activity statement (BAS) is due on the 21stnews Pricing strategies and how to set the best pricenews Who are your competitors? And what do you know about them?news What to Expect from ATO Risk Reviews and Auditsnews Update your ABN details to ensure notifications in an emergencynews How does an accountant save you money?news Are we a cost or an investment?news 80¢ rate for claiming home office expenses extendednews Natural disasters and help with your taxnews Single touch payroll: When your reporting can ceasenews Getting a tax valuation from the ATOnews JobMaker hiring credit: What you need to knownews STP data-sharing with Services Australianews How to avoid getting dodgy advicenews JobMaker Hiringnews Business Digital Adaptation Programnews JobKeeper extension’s alternative turnover testsnews GST Implications on Investment Propertiesnews Tax and SMSF audits on still on ATO’s Radarnews Cyber Attack Safety Checklistnews Deduction for work-related vehicle expenses disallowednews Special COVID-19 Superannuation Condition of Release Extendednews Business Survival and Adaption Packagenews Where you stand with vehicles and the boosted instant asset write offnews JobKeeper payments to get data match scrutiny between ATO and Social Servicesnews Government Payments and some issues for companies and trustsnews Rental property: Tax approach adjusts for COVID-19news Has your super fund got you covered for insurance? With COVID-19, maybe notnews JobKeeper Payment Part 3.0news JobKeeper Payment Part 2news Varying PAYG Instalments because of COVID-19news Remote AGMs and Document Signing Allowednews The Realities of Insuring Against Cyber Crimenews Instant Asset Write Off Extended to 31 Decembernews Tax Return Tipsnews Tax issues when dealing with volunteersnews Tax when you’re headed overseasnews Temporary visa holders: Changed conditions for COVID-19news Top 7 Tax Tips for Investorsnews Effective Tax Planning Strategiesnews Land Tax Relief for Property Owners and Businessesnews Rental (passive) income and ‘carrying on a business’ for JobKeeper eligibilitynews Planning tool to help businesses reopennews Security online more important than evernews Here’s what attracts the ATO’s attention about luxury car taxnews Early release from super a relief, but comes with risksnews Finalise STP Data for 2019/20news Answers to COVID-19 work-from-home expense questions and CGT concernsnews JobKeepers Payment – Economic Stimulus Package – Pace Advisory Groupnews Rent Relief for commercial tenantsnews Shortcut Method of claiming home office running costsnews Economic Stimulus Package announced by Prime Ministernews Selling taxable Australian property? You may need a clearance certificate from the ATOnews Damage or destruction of a rental propertynews Lifestyle assets continue to be an ATO audit targetnews Claim vehicle expensesnews Age and TFNsnews Property development and taxnews Super guarantee opt-out for high income earnersnews Deductions for a home-based businessnews Tax cuts become lawnews Principle place residence CGT exemption when there is no “residence”news Year-end Tax Tipsnews Small business Entity (SBE) Concessionsnews Common errors with new GST withholding rulesnews ATO focus on the cash economynews SMSF member limit increasenews Deduction for Non-compliant payments to workersnews Changes to the small business instant asset write-offnews Claims for home office expenses increasednews Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (‘MYEFO’)news Taxation of income for an individual’s fame or imagenews Vacancy fee for foreign ownersnews STP for Employers with 19 or less employeesnews Low income earners may need to lodgenews Increase in Private Health Insurance excessesnews Increased scrutiny of home office claimsnews More Industries targeted under taxable payments reporting system (‘TPRS’)news Removing tax deductions for PAYG failurenews Crowdfunding donations to help drought-affected farmersnews The Company Tax Rate Saganews Plan Ahead: Tip to Better Prepare for Tax Time 2019news The pension loans schemenews The special place for family trustsnews EOFY checklist for employment-related tax deductionsnews How will Airbnb affect your taxes?news A Tax Guide for Uber Driversnews A Tax Guide for Deliveroo Ridersnews How is Cloud Accountancy benefiting businessesnews Managing tax disputes can be like wrestling with a superheronews Unpacking statute-barred debtsnews The proportioning rule and your SMSF: it’s all about balancenews Builders: Get your taxable payments report ready before August 28news Look Before You Leap with Testamentary Trustsnews Franchise businesses and taxnews Superannuation contributions ‘work test’ for over 65snews Interest deductibility after income-producing activity ceasesnews