The new financial year has started with some changes – remember, super is now 10.5%, and most workers should be paid super on all ordinary earnings as the $450 monthly threshold no longer applies.
We’ve highlighted some upcoming business lodgment due dates to help you get organised for July to September.

Taxable Payments Annual Report
The taxable payments annual report (TPAR) must be lodged by businesses that engage the services of contractors in specific industries. Businesses in building and construction, cleaning, road freight and courier, IT and security services may need to submit a TPAR. Remember – your business may need to report for the first time this year if you’ve made significant income from deliveries.
Talk to Us About Lodgment Planning
If we’re already lodging on your behalf, lodgment extensions automatically apply. If you’re lodging activity statements and other forms directly with the ATO, you may have earlier deadlines. If you need more time to lodge and pay, let us know, and we can help you meet your obligations or arrange a lodgment extension if required.
It’s good practice to plan for your lodgment dates so you’re always on top of your cash flow planning for ATO liabilities.